Saturday, April 13, 2013

The pits

So Ive decided to write about my favorite recipe so far. Deodorant. I know, I guess it is getting pretty personal but if you think about it, it is just your underarms so get over it.
Plus, maybe after you make your own deodorant, you won't have anything to be ashamed of anymore.

Sorry for the short post. I actually had this all typed up earlier on my iphone with a cranky and sleeping baby in my arms that would not let me put him down for a millisecond aaaaannnnnnd....then accidentally deleted it all so here's to hoping I get to post this one

I've always had a problem with deodorants. Problem being that they have never worked. I found myself reapplying all day which in looking back was probably creating an even bigger problem.

So, I was skeptical in making my own deodorant but I gave it a shot

Here it is:

6 T of coconut oil ( this is a base for a lot of my homemade products)
1/4 cup of corn starch
1/4 cup of baking soda
a few drops of tea tree oil ( this has anti fungal properties)
a few drops of lavender oils ( adds a nice light scent to the deodorant)

That's it folks, easy peasy!

This is how it looks. I put mine in the refrigerator for a little bit in a mason jar (which have became my new favorite storage for everything).

I have been using my fingers to put it on but if that freaks you out, you can always shove it down in an old deodorant container. You might have to keep it in the fridge though if you want it to have that nice "store bought" shape. But that's the thing about homemade products, you have to open you mind and realize it isn't going to look the same, feel the same, or taste the same (not the deodorant), but it will be much better for you.

I know now that my problem with deodorant was my body's way of rejecting all those nasty and scary aluminum! I am proud to say that I will never buy deodorant again.

And please, if I've talked you into making your own, tell me about it in a comment or email. I would love to hear from you.

Monday, April 8, 2013

But being green IS easy

This whole thing started the day my dog decided to eat the leftover ham and ham bones in the garbage.

Needless to say, she got sick...really sick.

She puked, she pooped, she peed everywhere. Especially on our nice, brand spanking new carpet in our brand spanking new remodeled basement.

So here we were. Me, about eightish months pregnant, an emotional mess because she had ruined the carpet where I had envisioned family time, tummy time, and bare feet time. My husband, mad as hell because he knew he had to be the one to clean it up. So, I did the only thing I could do. I googled it.

I was not about to put a bunch of chemicals on my new carpet plus I didn't feel like going anywhere to get carpet cleaner or rent one of those huge machines that only leave your carpet wet and smelling worse than what it did with just pee on it.

I came across a remedy of vinegar and baking soda and I think some dish soap. Really? I thought. It could not be this easy. You have to HAVE to have chemicals and you HAVE to spend money for something to actually get the job done right? Wrong

Bingo! No more stains, no more stench.

And then it all got put to rest and not thought about again.

Then I started what I will call "the obsession" If you are about to enter into the world of cloth diapering, don't say I didn't warn you. IT IS ADDICTING.

So here I am now with this new blog and all of its emptiness and I want to write about everything greenish I have done thus far which includes but is not limited to:

Cloth diapers and cloth wipes with a homemade (and sure proof NO diaper rash) solution

homemade shampoo

homemade toothpaste

homemade cleaners

I no longer use laundry detergent or fabric softener yet I have the most soft and most absorbent towels Ive ever had...curious yet?

There is something about having a baby that turned me into a martha stewart wanna be type. I also love to be able to say I know exactly what I'm using to wipe my baby's bottom. No chemicals here!

Combine that with my somewhat addictive and obsessive personality ( some people call it OCD, I guess...who cares) anyway, and I'm just loving being green...and contrary to what one particular frog thinks...It's easy!

I would like to blog about all of these things and many more but I want to hear from readers first. Well, assuming there are readers. hmmm

I'm sure there are people who couldn't care any less about how I made toothpaste for under .13 cents...yes, seriously. But, if you do, I wanna know what you would like to read about first so leave a comment, send a facebook message, or send an email and I will blog about the most requested topic.

Thanx All!