how the blue faded to greenish

Brody's Frog Blog will always be my first. My baby as far as blogs go. It helped me get through some real tough times in the beginning stages of my grieving process. Ewe, I hate when people say "grieving process". Its soooo not a process. Anyway, I don't plan on abandoning it anytime soon but I do want to start to talk about other things.

I want the frog blog to remain a place where other grieving mommies can go and feel like "oh hey, I'm not alone in this". So there is where it will stay.


To sum this blog up and why I started it...

When I was pregnant with Isaac, I discovered cloth diapering. I decided I wanted to give it a shot and I even made the statement that I wasn't doing it to be all eco mommy but just because it was better for Isaac's little bottom but mostly because they were just so darn cute. But then, other things started not sitting with me right. Why would I use cloth diapers and not use cloth wipes? Why would I use cloth wipes and not make my own wipe solution?

Why stop there?

THEN, I delivered Isaac and my hormones when bizerk. My make-up made my skin break out in hives, as did my soaps and even some foods. I don't know what happened. I have no explanation for it but I just ran with it.

Now, I'm trying to gradually change my home to a toxin free environment for me, my husband, and especially for Isaac.

I started making my own cleaners, my own make-up and laundry detergent and buying more natural and organic products.

I hope you all join me in this adventure of making this previously sad and blue mommy into a rather greenish one.

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